It’s a sunny Monday in Southern California! November and the weather still can’t decide if it wants to be summer, fall, or winter! I love Southern California where I’ve lived all my life, so much to do, amazing weather, and a billion people! I have the weather forecast for about 8 different cities in a couple countries on my phone. Some places are too hot, some too cold, and some just right. I feel so blessed to say that about 90 percent of the time one of the just right weather places is in my home town of Orange County. Everyone has a different opinion of what is “just right” when it comes to the weather though, and many like the cold, while others the heat. What is your favorite weather, the “just right” temperature?
I love to travel and don’t mind different climates, though I’d have to say I like to stay away from extremes. In this way whether is a metaphor for life! Depending on where we are in the course of our life journey the temperature and climate of life are going to vary. Are you prepared for a change in life’s weather? What do you need to do in your life to be ready? Do you need to purchase new clothes to adapt to different weather; or a new way of looking at your life to be flexible to a change in your circumstances? Maybe you need a change on the opposite end, getting rid of extra unneeded garments or life’s baggage to free you up for your next adventure in the game of life! Whatever example resonates with you, embrace the change with a positive attitude, gratitude, and no excuses! Have an amazing day.
Drew Hunthausen: The No Excuses Blind guy