We Are Journeying Through This Life Together, Drew Hunthausen, Blind Motivational Speaker

2018 is history. 2019 is upon us and wonderful things are ahead.

Friends, as I reflect over both the good and the challenging of this past year, it is more apparent than ever how important it is not only to have friends and family in your life to support you, but to know that you can’t do it alone. To be able to ask for help, to have the confidence and self-awareness to seek the guidance of others, and to gratefully accept the fact that life is better together.

As a blind and hearing-impaired individual, the importance of “better together” is maybe more obvious and apparent due to the fact that I need help with a lot of things others do not. From going shopping, competing in a triathlon, heading down to the beach, or having lunch with a friend, all require assistance from others.

You may not need help with these same things, but the fact is that no one journeys through life totally independently. Whether it’s having a professional contractor take care of your construction project, having a speaker coach help improve your presentations, or even the advice or council of a friend to help you make a major decision, all of us need the support and expertise of others.

Friends, as you move further into 2019 and beyond, having this awareness is critical for our mindset and success. Perhaps you have heard the old adage, you can’t see the picture when you’re in the frame. It is others who will help you see the picture of your life more clearly. When you can journey through life together, only the best is yet to come!

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