Inspired By a Hidden Gift

“The hand we are dealt in life is never the one we envisioned for ourselves; but with the grace of God, it is a hand we can learn to play with Joy, Peace, and Prosperity”.  Drew Hunthausen, The No Excuses Blind Guy

No one said life was fair, and if you have lived for even a few years in this world, you would no doubt agree. We all face challenges, some much bigger than others, and as we meet those challenges head on, there is one very important thing we will hopefully learn, and it is this. Through all the ups, downs, triumphs, and failures, life is truly a gift!

Last week I attended a workshop and awards ceremony put on by the publishing company I worked with for the internationally best-selling anthology “Voyage to Your Vision”, in which I was a featured author. As part of the ceremony for new published authors, several of them gave inspirational talks about their experiences that lead to them telling their story, and how these experiences have impacted their lives.

One of the newly published books is an anthology written by cancer survivors, or family members and hospital support staff of cancer survivors. A theme that came through loud and clear among all the testimonies was that “life is a gift” and we can’t journey through it alone. The stories were all incredibly inspirational, and through the smiles and tears of the speakers I could clearly sense both the struggles of the journey as well as the gifts and blessings of the experience. They had truly learned to appreciate life.

As I got up to speak after being inspired by many of these amazing stories, I shared a bit about my own challenging journey where I battled bacterial meningitis at age 11. This grueling experience nearly killed me and left me totally blind and hearing impaired. Through it all God hasn’t healed my vision or hearing yet, but He is healing my spirit, and showing me more every day that He has a purpose for my life. He has shown me that life is a gift!

On life’s journey, tomorrow is a fantasy of sorts that we cannot yet know. So we are all in a sense journeying blind since no one can predict the future, and the hand we are dealt is never the one we would have envisioned for ourselves. However, with the grace of God and the support of those around us, it is one we can learn to play with joy, peace, and prosperity!

So I encourage you to live life to the fullest because it is a gift. When we do this and trust in the One who gives us this gift, we can truly say that the best is yet to come!!!


Drew Hunthausen is an Inspirational and Motivational speaker who lives in Southern California. Get his free guide, “5 Keys to living a No Excuses Life filled with Joy, Peace, and Prosperity” by going to

You can also obtain a copy of the international best-selling book “Voyage to Your Vision” in which Drew is a featured author by going here,

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