Drew Hunthausen – The No Excuses Blind Guy – Inspirational and Motivational Speaker: The Challenges of Life

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Recently I had the privilege of reading a well written and heart felt article about the systemic tragedy of homelessness called “Shared Brokenness: A Reflection on “Nourish” and the One Night Count”. It describes a first-hand view of conditions experienced by the homeless in Seattle, Washington, as observed by a program coordinator at the Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry.

The author discusses some of the images and thoughts going through her head as she witnessed this human tragedy around the city during a “one night count”. “…but it was the individual in the park who jarred and haunted me. There was something about that lonely figure in the still, silent night that magnified anew the raw human tragedy of homelessness. There, a fellow human being, totally alone, isolated and vulnerable on the cold hard ground of a deserted park in the wee hours of the morning”. (Hannah Hunthausen – Hannah is my first cousin).

While this article shows the harsh reality of a segment of our society we don’t usually think about, it also serves to remind us how blessed most of us really are. While we all face challenges in life, they rarely reach the level of no shelter from the elements or food to eat. It is important to be reminded of the incredible way gratitude can flow through the awareness of the blessings we all have.

As one who is himself grateful to be blessed, I encourage you, with a grateful heart, to look for ways to bring hope, joy, and kindness to those who are broken and suffering. Every act of kindness will make this world a better place and each of us a better person. Thank you, cousin Hannah, for what you do and for inspiring this post.

And always remember that the best is yet to come!

Go to www.DrewsInspirations.com to get a copy of my free guide “The 5 Keys to Living a No Excuses Life Filled with Joy, Peace, and Prosperity”.

If you think I might be a good fit to speak at your next event, please visit www.drewhunthausen.com/speaker to set up a booking.

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If you think I might be a good fit to speak at your next event, please visit www.drewhunthausen.com/speaker to set up a booking.

Please also click on the links below to share this message with your family and friends.



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