Choose Kindness, Drew Hunthausen, Blind Inspirational Speaker

After losing my eyesight and most of my hearing at age 11, everyday has been a journey and a new way of adapting to the world around me. As I reflect over the above quote, it rings so true in my own life. The kindness of others is what has made it possible for me to take on the challenges that I have faced and continue to face over the years.  It transcends mere eyesight and hearing.

From the kind and patient teachers who came to my home to help me learn Braille, to the incredible physical therapist who gradually strengthened my body and got me back on my feet, to the P.E. instructor who helped me discover that I could still swim, to the two amazing parents and wonderful brother and sister who kept me going even after a broken foot last year. I have been given sooo much!! These people are a testament to me being alive today and the person I have become.   

My friends, who has impacted your life in a significant way over the years? Who are the kind people who have helped shape you into the person you are today? I think you would agree that all of us put on different costumes and faces throughout the course of our lives before we discover the one that truly fits who we are. This is especially relevant this time of year with Halloween only a day away. None of us can navigate through this world alone, and as I think about the individuals that have played a leading role in shaping my own life, it causes me to turn around and ponder the ways in which I have and can positively impact the lives of others. What do I have to give, to offer?

My friends, Kindness is universal, a language everyone speaks and benefits from despite what costume they might be wearing this Halloween. So, get out there and spread this gift of kindness, for the best is yet to come!!  

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