Choices Make the Difference

17 years ago in the blink of an eye, a young boy fell sick to Bacterial Meningitis. He spent three long months in a coma, and doctors advised his parents he would either die or never wake up again. Through prayers, good medical decisions, and a miracle, he does wake up. Though totally blind, hearing impaired, and too weak to sit up by himself, he lives to face another day.

Struggling to cope with the devastating news of what happened to him, his total blindness, hearing impairment , and inability to even walk, this little boy cries out to the Lord, not knowing what to think or what will become of his life. But the one thing that he is able to hold on to through it all, is the fact that he is still among the living for another day. He eventually comes to believe that God has a special plan for his life.

Some of you might recognize this little boy’s story as my own, and you are correct. In this life, we have very little control over what happens to us, but we are in total control of the way we integrate and react to what does. The choice is ours. Will we let bitterness creep into our soul after every bad experience, or will we make a decision to choose gratitude?

This decision will radically change your life as well as the lives of your friends and family. It’s 2016, a new year and a chance for a new beginning. Make a choice to live life to the fullest, a life of gratitude and optimism for the future. This year is just the start. For the best is yet to come!

Drew Hunthausen

The No Excuses Blind Guy

Go to to get a copy of my free guide “The 5 Keys to Living a No Excuses Life Filled with Joy, Peace, and Prosperity”.

Helping inspire folks to be “their best” in life and become all they were created to be, is why I became an inspirational and motivational speaker. I am based in Southern California, and am open to booking speaking events anywhere a car can drive me or a plane can fly me, and the finances will permit. My desire and mission is to share my story and message to help you live a life blessed with a positive attitude, an abundance of gratitude, and no excuses!

If you think I might be a good fit to speak at your next event, please visit to set up a booking.

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