“If you’re serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured and unique individual, keep a journal—don’t trust your memory.” (Jim Rohn)
Life is full of moments both memorable and fun, and some not so much. We experience special events like birthdays, vacations, family gatherings, and sporting events, and not so special events like visits to the dentist, painting the bathroom, mowing the lawn, and the list goes on.
In the midst of life’s events, what might seem important to someone, might have little meaning to someone else. This is why I so agree with Jim Rohn that we shouldn’t just rely on our memories, and make a point to capture the “moments” whether in picture or written form.
Last weekend I had the privilege of traveling to San Diego California with my sister Chelsea for a music festival on Saturday, and a triathlon the following morning. We both were really looking forward to the two events and had just found out we would get to see my brother and sister-in-law who were coming in from Texas. One of the first things we did after meeting up with them, was to take a group photo. Throughout the night we took quite a few pictures, and even though I can’t see them, the verbal descriptions bring back wonderful memories of the fun we had together.
The Triathlon was the same way on Sunday with my sister taking a few photos and a video of my guide and me in action. We had a wonderful time with all three events, swimming, biking, and running, all documented with still photos and video. Later that day I took the time to journal about the experience and how I felt throughout the different events. It will forever be a reminder of that weekend and the gratitude I felt for the opportunity to spend time with family and good friends, and to participate in another triathlon.
My friends, I am so thankful for both visual and written journals in my own life. If you haven’t tried journaling, or don’t always think to take a picture or two along the way, I encourage you to begin one or both today. Just like the quote above so clearly states, this is a common habit of folks who have gained significance and success in their lives. Whatever significance and success means for you, I believe it is something we all desire and something we all deserve. Happy journaling, and always remember that the best is yet to come!